projects and services management

Location: Brazil
Reference: CPC40153
Language: English

Short description

Guest teacher (“Leadership Development through Continuos Improvement Process”) for the universities FGV, PUC/RJ
Consultant, Project Manager - Poços de Caldas, MG - Jan. 2010/present
Founder(Nov/2012) and President(till Dec/2018) of the Clube de Remo Poços de Caldas (rowing club) aiming to develop high profile people
Consultant for the continuous improvement projects
Management Consultant for IT projects , Strategic Planning


Independent Consultant (2012 - PRESENT)

Project and Services for the IT and Process Management needs

GSS - IT Services and Solutions (2009 - 2012)

as the main partner, I was responsible for supervising the business operations(IT services outsourcing, system development) and the business development

Tendencias Rio de Janeiro (2002 - 2009)

as a Vice President of this IT and Services company, which was coligated(through the same partners) to the company named NEWTREND Tendencias Tecnologicas, I was responsible for supervising the business operations (IT outsourcing, process operations), the business development and people development.

JDA Software Group (1998 - 2002)

Country Manager responsible for business development, customers project implementation

EDS do Brasil (1986 - 1992)

largest international outsourcing company providing IT and Process services

Degree: Supervisor, Manager, Director


Master in Computer Sciences (1982 - 1984)

Degree: MSc
Harvard Business School (1997 - 1997)

Strategic Marketing Management

Degree: specialization


Total Quality Control

method to implement, trough projects, a Continous Improvement Process

Degree: consultant